Physiotherapie und Pilates in Cascais Physiotherapie und Pilates in Cascais auf deutsch Physiotherapy and Pilates in Cascais in english Coming Soon: Fisioterapia e Pilates em Cascais em portugues

Physiotherapy and Pilates in Cascais

Ricarda Kley

Short Foot by Janda

Short Foot by Janda Physiotherapy and Pilates in Cascais

Short Foot / Propriozeptive Sensorimotor Facilitation by Janda

This technique has been developed by the Czech neurologist Vladimir Janda (1928 - 2003)

The short foot is a special physiotherapy exercise which reactivates reflexively driven, weakened or inhibited muscle groups by intensifying and optimizing one’s soles contact to the floor.

By regularly repeating the exercise and integrate it into the daily life physiologically advantageous patterns of movement can be relearned in order to avoid bad posture.


  • Knee problems
  • disorders of the feet (such as flat foot, splay foot, skew foot, flatfeet)
  • Feet-, knee-, or hip surgeries
  • KISS-syndrome (head joint-Induced Symmetry-fault)
  • Back problems, different pathogenesis